Case Study – Retail Chain
The Customer – A Retail Chain with Hundreds of Locations
Key points:
Forcing and monitoring of corporate policy
Identifying problems in real time
Structured reporting and documentation of problems
Corporate governance of chat messaging
Instant view of stores status
Alternative to expensive and long to deploy CRM process
The Need –
1. The retail chain is spread in hundreds of locations nationwide. The chain has corporate policy for start of day, mid-day routine and end of day procedure but they don’t have a tool to force it and to verify that the guidelines are followed.
2. The regional manager who is overlooking 20 stores, on average and is traveling between stores most of the time, don’t have visibility to their status, revenue VS targets and problems each store has. He can get this info only through tedious phone calls and in none structured way and all that while he is on the road.
3. Employees are using whatsapp for internal communications on which the corporate has no governance and difficulties to retrieve in case of dispute
Briefery Solution –
Four flows were created:
The first - is Weekly target in which the Regional manager sets the next week revenues target according to previous Weeks’s revenues, season of the year and corporate revenue targets.
The other three are check lists for start-of-day, mid-day routine and end-of-day procedure that verifies policy follow-up and provides visibility of the store status, inventory of packaging and administrative supplies, problem reporting and current revenue reporting.
The regional manager gets instant report from each store and can see problems, if any, and actual revenue VS target. He can use the data to set special bonuses for the store for meeting or exceeding weekly targets.
Problems’ reporting is automatically routed to the relevant person, a technician for lightning or air condition, properties manager for issues with the lease, marketing department for any poster and visual element that needs replacement.
Briefery added synchronization and agility to the operations. Corporate policies are significantly better enforced and the regional manager has a near real time view of the territory at any time. Using the data, he can incentivize the stores for meeting or exceeding targets and push the sales in its territory. Work has already started to integrate Briefery with the Corporate ERP for data exchange and future workflows.
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